Saturday 19 November 2011

Little Shop Photos

Little Shop of Horrors closed last night- I was unable to attend sadly due to dinner with my grandparents- but I bet it was an amazing night. This being my first show with MPA, I've learnt alot about lighting, and I'm really keen to do more shows with them. Full credit to the cast, their acting and vocals were incredible, NAPTA winners for sure. Next April/May is Oliver- can't wait! Below are a few photos that I took on set on Friday night:

The Lighting Booth, looking out over the stage about 10 minutes before we let the audience in.

Audrey II #3 - Our second largest puppet.
This one is unveiled during the 'Closed for Renovations' scene, and is what the chopped up Orin is fed to at the close of Act I. It is worn over the operators head and torso with the 'mouth' opened and closed using the arms.

Audrey II # 4 - Our largest puppet.
During intermission we cleared the auditorium in order to get this monster on stage for the beginning of the second Act. This 'Mean Green Mother' is operated from behind using a lever system. Remided me of a bigger version of those digger things they had in sandpits that we played on as a kid.

Here is Audrey II with all her 'tentacles', big enough to swallow Mr. Mushnik, Audrey and Seymour. Completely dwarfs the second largest plant to the left.

1 comment:

  1. I've never seen Little Shop, but those puppets look awesome! :P


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