Sunday 13 November 2011

Phantom 25th

Well, I thought I'd make my first post of any substance.

I went and saw the Phantom of the Opera 25th Anniversary performance at the movies last Wednesday. Late I know. But that's NZ for you.

Anyway, I thought it was cool. Not awesome or amazing, but cool. When the Overture started and the Chandelier didn't move I was a bit gutted but I did like what they did with the 'Proscenium Arch', and the projections worked well in place of a full stage. I was lucky enough to see the live production when it was in Auckland back in 2008.
 It was the first big theatrical production I'd seen and I don't think anything will come close to beating it, I'm afraid. I loved the special guests end of the 25th anniv. performance. It was quite something seeing generations of Phantoms singing together. Especially Anthony Warlow. He's who I saw live the first time and I was absolutely blown away. Quite nice to see Sarah Brightman too, she's still got a great voice on her- suprised she could still sing with all the Botox in her face, but hey.